Who should we send to meet the Aliens?

Camden Benesh
4 min readNov 20, 2021


A hypothetical question we need to start taking more into consideration.

Photo by Bruce Warrington on Unsplash

Aliens are basically real, accept it

The potential existence of aliens or other life forms in the universe has always been on humanity’s radar. They could come today, or tomorrow, in 15 days or 15 years. We might never get to see aliens in our lifetime but the next generation could.

Listen, aliens are so integrated with pop culture, often putting us versus the aliens. We need to take a more diplomatic approach in thinking about how we should approach them and meet them, maybe develop a section of the government to it. Area A, for alien, get it?

So with this knowledge that we already know, I believe it should become commonplace for accepting the possibility of alien life in society. We are so small in comparison to the universe so we need to accept our insignificance and move on. For celebrities, this might be tricky but together as a society, we can do it. Not accepting the potential for alien life is absurd, it just doesn’t make sense. Some alien is probably writing this same article about us humans being so gun-ho about meeting the unknown and that’s why they haven’t visited yet. Makes enough sense. We cannot let them roast us, we need to be savvier as a society.

Ok, so we’ve accepted the potential for aliens, that’s one step down. The next step is probably the most important decision of humanity, who should we send to meet them? Causing a war would probably end in our demise as any alien movie you’ve ever seen, they are way more technologically advanced. So we can’t fight them, but you don’t fight the new people when meeting them right? Let's be cordial and professional here. A representative of humanity isn’t someone who will knock your lights out. They’re reputable and welcoming. So who are they?

So who should we send to meet the aliens?

So for the context of this article let’s just assume we can communicate with the aliens. Convenient I know but let’s just say the aliens have been around the block in terms of meeting new species from different worlds.

The first choice we send to meet the aliens, obviously someone who’s good at talking. Probably not a comedian, they might insult them, so how about Neil De Grasse Tyson? Astrophysicist and overall cultural icon, Neil has been quoted to say the depiction of aliens in movies/pop culture is always negative or violent. Those aliens are made out to conquer and suck our brains out, but why? He often questions that norm, providing a more reasonable outlook on our potential friends. Hence the term “friends,” not foe. Neil is also very smart and wise, someone how knows the ins and out of the universe. Neil will provide details about our science and knowledge. In turn learning about their tech and science. A great deal in turn for both sides. It wouldn’t be long before the aliens and humans were Instagram friends, going for coffee, telling us about their day. Taking a ride in their spaceship, travel the globe for free. The aliens and us, we could really go places… And Neil might get us there.

Another perhaps more unorthodox approach would be to send the youth of today to meet them. Gen Z if we must be specific. After all, we are pretty unorthodox if I must say. Generation Z, not known for the zombies but an innovative generation, defying the odds, breaking the norms of working 9–5s for 20 years. We advance, excel, fail, and most importantly bring a new approach to the table. We aren’t like our predecessors, we are unique! In some shape or form. We’ll get along great with the aliens, go get some food, watch some Tik Toks, you know, the life!

Why should we send the Gen Zers to meet the aliens? They don’t even know the history that well? Exactly the point. We can use that to our advantage. Not knowing history to the dot unless you do which is cool, we won’t be able to recall human history, so we wouldn’t be giving us a bad rep! We can just look that up anyway, the phone is our way.

We’ll get each other on more than a surface level, Gen Zer’s will create a bond that lasts. We won’t interrogate like the FBI instead maybe go see the latest new Marvel flick with some friends. Give them a taste of human life.

Talking about who shouldn’t meet the aliens isn’t too relevant. The list goes really from the government to flat earthers and everything in between. Some people still believe the earth is flat, how are you going to break it do them that there’s other life out there. On top of the reality of planets and their “true” shapes. We wouldn’t have the NBA if the earth was flat right? The ball wouldn’t be able to bounce from player to player if it was flat and had ice walls right? Spheres are spheres, and the earth is a sphere. Got it? Good.

So we are pretty much set, we got our gameplan ready. Our conversation topics vaguely picked out mentally. All seems to be well. Another thing though, we should meet the aliens independently and not deal with the government in any way. We’ve always had those people with encounters with aliens with no proof. One more of those wouldn’t hurt anyone right? The world couldn’t handle the truth but Neil de Grasse Tyson and Gen Zers? We got this in the bag. That’s really about it. Maybe they’ll be on our Instagram story at the most. Hopefully, they can Venmo us back, unlike some friends…

Do you think you can really meet alien life?



Camden Benesh
Camden Benesh

Written by Camden Benesh

I like to write, draw and travel.

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